Reparar Means to Repair

video installation, 2018

Reparar Means to Repair is a video installation exploring the relationship between official narratives of reparation and the burden of personal healing. By layering videos shot from a bus heading from Santiago to Valparaíso, the work highlights the intergenerational rifts created by mass violence and the attempts to mend damage done - both governmental reparations and personal acts of repair and remembering. Personally, this work is part of an acknowledgement that that this trauma is not easily repaired and I am left living with the legacies of terror, reconciling the large influence that this history has had on my own identity.

As an installation, the work includes a painted frame positioned close to the ground, and cushions to sit on, close to the screen.

Subsequently, Reparar Means to Repair has been shown in the group exhibition Nessus Posto (Trocadero Projects, 2019), and as part of a program Activism Through Creative Practice (Emerging Writer’s Festival, 2018), with writers responding to video art works.